About Us
Shannon Coleman-Cryer

Shannon Coleman-Cryer is a Wage and Hour Consultant with years of experience in enforcing, investigating, and resolving cases enforced by the United States Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division.
For example, she has successfully brought to resolution cases involving the Davis Bacon Act, Service Contract Act, The Family Medical Leave Act, and the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Additionally, Shannon is an expert in conducting payroll audits, payroll investigations, and computing back wages.
As the only practicing Wage and Hour Consultant in the New Orleans metropolitan area, Shannon has the outstanding ability to quickly and accurately assess if a company is following Wage and Hour laws. As a result of Shannon’s expertise and passion, she has the capability to assist most businesses or industries, in any state, with present, past or anticipated Wage and Hour investigations, compliance reviews, audits and is able to work with businesses and the Wage and Hour Division to ensure that clients are treated fairly and saving money regarding certain back wage computations, including Liquidated Damages and Civil Money Penalties.
As a Wage and Hour Consultant, Shannon works with and advises both clients and attorneys on issues related to various laws enforced by the Wage and Hour Division. Her experience as one of the highest producing Investigators in the State of Louisiana while employed with the Wage and Hour Division, Shannon has expertly assisted her clients in navigating the laws listed and has successfully investigated hundreds of Wage and Hour cases during her tenure.
Shannon earned her Bachelor's Degree from Loyola University of New Orleans and attended the Executive MBA program at the University of New Orleans.
For further information, visit Shannon’s LinkedIn profile here: linkedin.com/in/shannon-coleman-cryer-b676a27.